February how can that be? I have been busy making all kinds of new things. I signed up for two trades for Artfest, ATC trades and Fatbook trades. I have been working on these two projects forever (well it seems like it...) I made 32 Artist Trading Cards and 52 Fatbook pages.....I learned something about myself during these projects, I don't like to do repetitive work! It was gruelling, but I'm really proud of how they turned out and I got them out in the mail this week. I can't show you now, I want them to be a surprise. I will post them in April. Next I'm going to work on an Inspiration Deck that my Artfest housemates and I are creating.
I am crazy about Shrines. This is one I recently made for myself, honoring the love of my life, Sam! This is unusual for me, as I usually make things for others and give them away. This is definitely my new favorite project! They are really fun and your imagination is the limit! So far two of my friends and my mom have come by and made them for their loved ones for Valentines day and another friend is coming by Monday. It is great to have people in my art studio!
They are really easy! You start with matchboxes, I paid $1.39 at the grocery store for 10, but you could even get them for free or maybe you have some laying around the house.....
Take the matchbook apart and use a drawer upside down for the base, set another drawer on its side, as shown, and cut the cover of the matchbox at a crease, then cut one of the larger panels into a shape to form the top of your shrine. The one above is pointed, this sample to the left is rounded, use one of these ideas or use any shape you like, the sky's the limit.

Glue all the components together with Liquitex Matte Gel, you may need to re-apply glue to corners, sometimes they lift. When dry, apply a coat of gesso over the entire shrine to cover up the writing on the matchbox. When dry, apply a coat of paint, I love a paint I just discovered called Lumiere by Jacquard, I used #556 Halo Blue-Gold (looks green to me?).
Gather little things (as you don't have a lot of room), beads, charms, pictures (printed on thumbnail size), rhinestones, wire, etc. and start gluing, I used the matte gel again, it holds things great even the heavy heart in the corner. I hope you enjoy making your shrines as much as I do!
Enjoy every magical moment in your life... I hope there are lots!